So Saturdays display draws to a close, the supporters leave, the party starts but there is work to be done, no time for a party. The P40-C has an engine fault that cuts the display short -the team have work to do…
The Gladiator exhaust ring requires attention before it can fly again- and then there is the P-40F prop, old aeroplanes don’t like anyone to relax.
So Sunday arrives (06:00) and the weather isn’t ideal. While work continues in the hangar the aircraft are prepped on the flightline.
Monday and the show is over , the volunteers return to their day jobs, the engineers complete the post flight paper work. The emails come in largely to say “we enjoyed that” and why not?
When you think through the unprecedented weather of the preceding week, the effort of the European teams to fly in IMC or worse and who had to turn back again and again to try and get to Duxford and English beer, the challenge to achieve display authorisation of visiting aircraft with a minimal cloudbase most of the week. To reorganise accommodation for teams who can or can’t turn up. To adjust oil and fuel supplies for those who might just make it? (Here you go, try and work out the potential oil requirement for a Constellation!). So we say thank you back to every one who said “Thank You” It really means something to all and everyone of those who have been working on Flying Legends 2014 for the last 12 months.
More pictures to follow after we have had more sleep.