The Fighter Collection


  • Times remembered

    We found an old hard drive with some video on it, we thought you might enjoy it. It is a demo so not todays full 4k! Throw back 1999:


  • Black Friday

    Black Friday and some great offers on our stores page just Click HERE 50% off selected items in the Black Friday section. Just use the code foftfc-2016 at checkout. Offer expires Sunday 28th November.

  • The All New Friends of TFC Gift Card

    Worried  about Christmas, will your  partner want a a  red or  blue  Friends  Baseball hat?

    Take the  stress out of Christmas with our  all new  Gift  card.  Fof TFC, making life easy.

    Click Here for Gift Card


  • Christmas is around the corner

    OK, the question that arrives every year, what do you buy your partner, friend, some guy called Dave who fixed your car? We try to help! We also know that John Lewis try to outdo us in the Video stakes – we’re covered. After you have watched the TFC 2016 Christmas Video have a click on our current offer and maybe come back as we have other offers over the next few days.

    Christmas Offers


  • Noises

    While the fleet undergoes the usual Winter maintenance routines here is a reminder of what it sounds like in the cockpit of a Sea Fury:

  • The week after Legends

    Hangar Talk

    I can only liken the feeling in the week following Flying Legends to climbing the steepest and highest mountain; (months in the planning and weeks in the execution) only to throw yourself off at the top once you reach the summit, such is the anti-climax post FL. This years FL brought us some extra challenges that we took on the chin and combined with the tenacity of our principals, volunteers, engineers, pilots and with the assistance of our partners at IWM Duxford developed innovative ways of bringing people closer to the action whilst simultaneolusy moving them further away!! ( Irish logic I know) Much has been written about the revised CAA regulations and whether you agree with them or not, they are here to stay, at least within the medium term and finding ways to minimise there impact is key to delivering and safeguarding the Flying Legends brand. It is also unfair to point the finger of blame entirely at the door of the Civil Aviation Authority; it is important to recognise the support of a number of individuals within the authority, who working within the confines of regulation and due process, have helped us to complete the UK civil certification of Curtiss Hawk P-36C (G-CIXJ) that arrived with us last ‘Legends’ from prolific Curtiss Hawk builder, Matt Nightingale’s, California Aerofab Inc, California USA. It has taken a sustained and combined effort between multiple agencies, individuals and organisations to complete the certification process in time for Flying Legends 2016; at a time when vintage and historic aviation is being scrutinised at microscopic levels it was refreshing to receive pragmatic and practical levels of support and assistance from the General Aviation Unit and its Design and Airworthiness Surveyors. We are also indebted to our fellow aviation ‘geeks’ at ACRO Aeronautical Services for once again reviewing the multitude of design and modification queries we generated as we completed the aircraft survey and type design review ahead of the (E4) design report being submitted to the CAA.

    Anyway, here we are a week after a successful FL 2016 and we are about to launch the Corsair and Bearcat to Farnborough for the weekend and are already stuck into the annual inspection on the P-40C and Spifire MkXIV. The landing gear hydraulic issue we ran into on the P-40F and the reason for it not flying at FL is almost resolved; new seals have been manufactured by SKF Economos for the landing gear control valve and we have tested the first batch this week. We now need to manufacture a new batch of spring retaining clips for the poppet valves before completing final landing gear functional checks. This month all seems to be related to seals as we are now progressing into the manufacture of new leather cup seals for the Gloster Gladiators Hobson carburettor accelerator pump; the pump has sprung an internal leak caused by the leather seals by-passing during operation allowing fuel to enter the upper linkage chamber. Over the coming weeks we shall be removing the rear fuselage fuel tank on the P-40C to carry out an inspection on the rudder control cable pulleys; removing the propeller from the P-36C to fine tune the static balance; fitting new wing fuel cells to the Spitfire XIV (assuming the contractor actually finishes them; 7 months and counting!), installing new seals in the Wildcat brake pedal foot motors (told you it was all about seals this month) and finally having a well earned break away from computers, mobile phones and aeroplanes…

  • Legends – Friends update and another Mustang video

    OK, some of you  may be  coming along  to  the show  this weekend, we  certainly  hope so.  The  marquee will  be  in the  same location as  last  year at the  Western End of the  airfield.


    To  get you in the  mood for aviation  action of the  highest  order  here is a 360  degree video  taken out of the r ear  seat  of MissVelma, many thanks to Stuart at, just scroll around with your mouse to change the view, neat! :



  • Pre Legends Wednesday

    Just  like  a  number  9  bus, all quiet and then they all  take off together!  great  day, great  flying, hope to see  you all at the week endE64C7758 E64C7771 E64C7833 E64C7852 E64C7876 E64C7882 E64C7905 E64C7920 E64C7931

  • Old Warden, the advantage of second site

    Somehow  our   man with a  camera knew to be at  Duxford and then intuitively follow Stephen down the road to an airfield at Old Warden, that intuition paid off as we just happened to be displaying at the Shuttleworth collection (who knew?)E64C5482 E64C5520 E64C5590 E64C5769 E64C5810 E64C5901 E64C5925 E64C6008 E64C6110 HM1D2154

    Which  reminds us about  booking tickets for Flying Legends …. Just click  HERE

  • Spitfire MkV June Wallpaper

    This months wallpaper features Stuart Goldspink firing EP120 for the show on Saturday  (OK, that is  enough Spitfires – Editor)


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