The Fighter Collection

Category: Gladiator

  • Pre Legends Wednesday

    Just  like  a  number  9  bus, all quiet and then they all  take off together!  great  day, great  flying, hope to see  you all at the week endE64C7758 E64C7771 E64C7833 E64C7852 E64C7876 E64C7882 E64C7905 E64C7920 E64C7931

  • The day after yesterday


    With all our efforts for the last few months focused on a certain weekend in July (Flying Legends) the morning after is somewhat of an anticlimax and leaves one thinking what on earth do we do now …..?

    Well the first thing to do is to thank everybody for their time and contribution (our volunteers not only give up their free time to help us with producing Flying Legends but also the myriad of tasks that all contribute to keeping the aircraft collection in fine ‘fettle’).


    Also to the engineers who alongside the volunteers have worked long hours making sure each of the aeroplanes has completed the various calendar, hours based and out of phase checks and inspections;


    The second thing is to reflect on our successes and tease out the bits that for us didn’t go quite as planned ! Despite the best efforts of our display pilots the fleet remained servicable to the end with the only the P-40C falling foul of the electric propeller ‘rain demons’ and as some of you may have seen taxied back to the flight line at the start of the Sunday balbo sequence with a propeller that according to pilot Steve Hinton flatly refused to play ball in automatic mode.

    Of the visiting display aircraft both Sea Furys developed tech issues one of which necessitated an early landing off the balbo; the second Fury had an electrical snag which we were able to help diagnose and resolve with the operators engineers but the aircraft wasn’t able to complete the scheduled demonstration due to the onset of rain which brought the show to a temporary halt for 25 minutes or so though It flew later on Sunday afternoon in the balbo.


    Personal highlights, well, the four Curtiss aircraft Hawk 75, P-36C, P-40C and the P-40F;


    loved the Nimrod’s and Fury, (the patina on the Nimrod’s new exhaust pipes looks just right now following the display on Saturday) regrettably the crosswind put paid to a repeat performance on Sunday; and finally of course the Gladiator in the joker slot between balbo passes.


    Remember to put Flying Legends 2016 in your diary (dates to be released) and we hope to see our ‘friends’ again very soon…

  • Hangar update for end of May

    This would usually   be  part of the  Online Fighter  Log update available to Friends of TFC- it answers a lot of “which aircraft was  where and when this week end” type questions so here you go:

    A busy weekend in May…. The Hawk75 and Gladiator made our first European outing of the 2015 season with Stephen and Patrice at the controls for the trip to La Ferte Alais. The transit necessitated a brief stop-over at Abbeville for fuel before flying on to LFA were TFC engineers Roy and Paul were waiting for their arrival having departed Duxford at 5am Thursday morning via Folkestone. With some quite complicated logistics Nick who was due to fly the Gladiator in the show made the transit to LFA from Geneva on Thursday evening. Operating away from base is always a challenge particularly when your tools and spares provision needs to fit into a modern family saloon!

    The VE Anniversary show at Duxford was combined with the departure of three TFC aircraft Spitfire V, P-51D, Corsair) to the Oostwold Airshow , Groningen, Holland. EP120 was able to make the dash across the channel on Friday (beating the weather) at the hands of Alan Wade as it was not required for the Duxford show; regrettably the MkXIV wasn’t able to depart for the show due to an as yet undiagnosed over-fuelling issue with the carburettor.  With the weather closing in on us the P-51D and Corsair weren’t able to make their planned slot to leave Duxford on the afternoon of the Sunday show and finally left at 08:20 local time Monday morning (another lay-in missed !).

    All aircraft made the recovery back to Duxford on Monday, with the Hawk75 and Gladiator first to arrive in the late afternoon and our Dutch contingent finally returning 18:45 local time. All in all a very successful weekend both here at Duxford and across our European  commitments. Many thanks to those of you who visited us in the Friends area and had a close up look at the Bearcat.

    And finally…. ‘A little knowledge is dangerous’…..on occasion we have to respond to inaccurate information placed on public forums and disseminated as factual. We were recently made aware of a thread running on one such forum suggesting the Sea Fury FB11 needs a new centre section! You might imagine that as Chief Engineer these are things I would normally know a little about, particularly if one were actually needed (which it isn’t).

    To be absolutely clear; the Sea Fury hasn’t fallen off jacks; it isn’t on jacks simply because it doesn’t need to be on jacks. However, there is a small area of damage to the lower spar boom port side were a bolt was incorrectly orientated in the landing gear retraction mechanism and which on retraction test (some years ago) caught the underside of the boom flange. The damage is repairable and a scheme has already been identified in accordance with the aircraft repair manual and our resident design organisation, therefore no one need worry that the aircraft is not being currently progressed for the absence of a replacement centre section. Our priorities are set by the Principals and Chief Engineer dependent upon our developing workloads, Inspection Programs and ultimate goals; suffice to say we have not forgotten about G-BUCM and its time will come….shortly…..

  • Fair stood the wind for France

    We are grateful for contributions from our Friends in France, John Fox and Fred of FBD Studio for these contributions both on the ground (featuring a rather shy and retiring TFC engineer ) and in the air with Nick proving anything a Spitfire can do the Gladiator can too!  Just to say both are now  back at Duxford after their weekend adventures.
    fere2pic Fred of FBD Studio

    gladyspic: John Fox

  • Departing to La Ferte Alais

    The Hawk and Gladiator are now at La Ferte – Alais after departing Duxford this morning.

    VE6S0007 VE6S0020 VE6S0024 VE6S0035 VE6S0043 VE6S0056

  • We are getting dressed again

    A quick  view of the  hangar with  more bits  being put  back on the aeroplanes  than taken off since the last  update.









  • October Hangar Catch up

    With the winter drawing ever closer, the flying season is has drawn to a close and so the engineers set about servicing the aircraft. Currently the Gladiator is in in a rather revealing mode with a  chance to catch some interesting internal detail, elswhere the Hellcat and Wildcat now carry engine  inhibited warnings.




    Among other happenings this week  one of our long standing engineers (and previously a volunteer) , Fred, has left for pastures new. TFC wish him all the best for the future.

    Here he is  in characteristically cheerful mood after a backseat experience in Miss Velma:


    Talking of Miss V,  today she  was the subject of attention from the TFC  volunteer team:


    We also had a quick hangar shuffle with the Staggerwing:




  • More Preparations for the Weekend

    At Duxford today even the slightly murky weather could not put a stop to TFC activity, with the H75 having an air test, Gladiator and the Willis jeep departing for the Goodwood Revival and the P-40F was also up for a test flight. On the subject of the P-40F, our friends at VEAO have sent us an exclusive public release images of their upcoming P-40F module:




    This Willis Jeep en route:


    And photos from todays activity:









  • Gladiator goes to see a friend at Old Warden

    Today the  Gladiator made the trip out to Old Warden to display alongside the Shuttleworth Collection’s example, Pilot Brian Smith and Engineer Paul Treadaway were  along to make sure she  behaved:


