The Fighter Collection

P-39 Airacobra “Brooklyn Bum 2nd”

P-39 Airacobra “Brooklyn Bum 2nd

Our P-39 Airacobra P-39Q-5-BE, 42-19993, “Brooklyn Bum 2nd”, was orignally built by Bell at their Buffalo Factory, New York. It was delivered to the U.S. Army, and then disassembled and shipped overseas.

Assigned to the 5th Air Force, 71st Tactical Reconnaissance Group, 87th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron where it was assigned to Peter A. McDermott, who gave it the nickname “Brooklyn Bum 2nd”. The aircraft was abandoned at Tadji Airfield (New Guinea) and was stricken from charge in May, 1945.

The Aircraft was recovered in 1974 and transported to New Zealand, where it was sold to the Australian Aerospace Museum and restored for static display. It then passed through further collections until coming into TFCs care in 1994.

It was sent to Fighter Rebuilders for a full restoration to airworthy condition and had it’s first flight in June 2004 at the hands of Steve Hinton, wearing it’s original wartime scheme. It was then shipped to Duxford.

This aircraft has moved on from the Fighter Collection in 2010, and now resides with Lewis Air Legends in the US.


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