The Fighter Collection

Author: foftfc

  • Gladiator on video

    Many thanks to the engineers at TFC  for  catching this bit of video from today – we  thought  you might enjoy  seeing it as well:


  • Gladiator purrs into life

    The weather  didn’t play  ball  yesterday -a  crosswind at  Duxford prevented the planned  Harvard  test flight.  Better   luck today with a successful  engine test for our  Gladiator



    Many thanks to Stuart at  TFC for the  photos

  • Engineer Vacancy

    An opportunity has arisen for a talented and motivated aircraft engineer with a passion for historic aircraft and aviation, to join The Fighter Collection.

    For more information and details of how to apply please click HERE .

  • Engine Runs this week

    First off the Harvard had a successful check on the newly fitted carburettor, next it awaits a pilot to do the check flight:

    Today, Weds the Gladiator was fuelled ready for an engine run up:

  • Postcard from La Ferte Alais

    Michel Gerard caught up our Hawk 75 over La Ferte Alais with his camera in the back seat of P-51 Mustang Nooky Booky – he kindly sent us a (rather short) video clip to enjoy:

  • Hawk 75 Adventure continues

    More pictures from Patrice.

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    The Hawk from departure at Duxford, on display at the show yesterday and then tucked up at La Ferte Alaise seen along with the Baptiste family.

  • Photos of Hawk in France

    Pictures of Hawk 75 at Le Touquet yesterday and safely tucked up in hangar last night – photos with thanks to Patrice

  • Hawk Arrives in France

    Update on Hawk – By 13:08 Duxford  time  Pilot and Hawk were at  Le  Touquet and both are  now at their  final destination ready  for  this: Le Carrefour de l’Air.

  • Hawk departs for visit to France

    From the flight line – Patrice readies for the flight to France in the Hawk 75 this morning after a local check flight:

  • 25th March Aicraft News Update

    On a somewhat Arctic Sunday a few volunteers and TFC staff were in at Hangar number 2, at the same time we were able to catch up on the latest news on aircraft in the hangar from Martin.

    First is that the Hawk successfully completed an air test in preparation for a flight to La Breguet towards the end of this coming week – weather conditions allowing. The Harvard engine run identified a problem which will require a replacement carburettor while the P-47 had a successful test on new parts in the fuel system.

    This coming week should also see the P-40b undergoing engine runs while the Spitfire Mk- XIV is partway through its annual inspection.