Catching Up

admin Friends of TFC, spitfire-mkV, spitfire-mkXIV

A  few    pictures to  help  tell  our  story for the  last  week.

While  our  Mk XIV was  displaying  over  Duxford at  last weeks airshow  (photo  credit  Pete  Collins)  …..


….Our  hardworking sales team in the tent  were taking a few  minutes  of shut eye…


……And finally, our   MK Vb and P-40F  safely in the  hangar after  displaying at Church Fenton yesterday.


Misty Mountain Hop

admin TFC

Well, to  be  fair  the  mist had  lifted  and there aren’t any  mountains at Duxford but we  liked the  title.

Just after    eight o’clock on a beautiful sunny   September  morning the  Fighter Collections  Spitfire  MkVb and P-40F were prepared and ready to take off for a display at   Church Fenton(Yorkshire)  in the afternoon.  Alan Wade and Dave Southwood  the pilots, this is what it  looked and sounded like.

Something Different

admin Friends of TFC, TFC

We are always amazed  by the  kind offers and ways  our  Friends  of TFC support us.  At Flying Legends this  year we  were  presented with  this amazing artwork gift from German artist Peter Steininger which  Pete Rushen accepted on behalf of TFC.

The Indian head logo has been ‘painted’ using crushed stonework and presented as a fantastic full colour representation of TFC’s famous Indian head.  This  will be on show in our  sales  marquee just opposite from the Control Tower on both  days of the September Airshow.

tfc logo

For more information on this technique and other works by Peter, please visit his web site

Friends of TFC at the September Duxford Airshow.

admin TFC

With  just a  couple of days to the Duxford 2015 September  Airshow arrangements for Friends of TFC  are  being finalised.  We will have a  stand in the same place as the  Spring airshow, that is  just opposite the  control tower.  It should be  easy to find as we plan to  have  one of our  aeroplanes  parked adjacent (weather  permitting).  As well as  our  usual   Poloshirts/Caps and Badges we will have a  special edition  Spitfire  T-shirt available.  We also  enjoy having a chat about old aeroplanes with our Friends so do pop in if you have time.

Notes:  For  Friends who wish to renew or  New Friends of TFC:  If you have received a email reminder that  your  subscription is due and you don’t  want to  renew online please  bring the reminder with you.  We  cannot  deal with renewals  that are not  yet due, it confuses our  membership system on the  computer.

If you  joined at  Flying Legends but  haven’t had an email to confirm your membership please   call in at the  stand.  We  had a number of  applications where  email addresses /phone numbers or  post codes were  missing or difficult to read.  Without these  bits of  information we cannot  complete  your enrolement.

If you haven’t joined yet but are thinking of  joining Friends of TFC, now is the  time to join as  the annual subscription is  going up to £15  from Monday 21st September!  – Grab that £10 bargain now! We also  have a family subscription which is for  families who wish  to support us. Click here for details: …more info

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Friends of the  Fighter Collection membership   provides access to a  Viewing area and Flightline Walk only at Flying Legends.  We DO NOT have a Viewing area   nor  access to the  Flightline Walk at the other airshows at Duxford including the September Airshow.


TFC at Goodwood

admin TFC




TFC  aeroplanes all arrived safely at  Goodwood:




admin TFC

Three Spitfires positioning to Goodwood today for Revival weekend. Spitfire Mk I, MkIA and XIV. Brian Smith, Pete Kynsey and Carl Schofild.

Pete Ford providing the taxi service to get everybody back to Duxford ready for a 10:20 departure tomorrow with the Spitfire V, Hawk 75 and P-40F.








Clocks ticking….

September Desktop

camera TFC

A quick rummage in the archives for September turned out autumnal this shot of Steve Hinton running up Miss Velma at  Duxford.  Maybe we  need to add sound!