Thursday 11th July update 1

admin flying-legends

Don’t panic : Just  a reminder, tickets are  still available on the  gate both  days  so if you  haven’t already  booked you can still attend and enjoy our  display this weekend, weather looks  great as  well!

FLYING PROGRAMME (correct as at 10th July)

admin flying-legends

Order of flying is subject to change
Appearance of aircraft listed is subject to weather, serviceability & operational commitments

                  AIRCRAFT                                                OPERATOR

1:45        BEARCAT SOLO                                           THE FIGHTER COLLECTION

2:00        BREMONT HORSEMEN                           COMMANCHE FIGHTERS, TFC                 

                 3 x SPITFIRES MK I’s & MK V
                  BUCHONS                                                      ARC, SPITFIRE LIMITED
                  SPITFIRES XIV                                            THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                  SPITFIRES IX                                               OFMC
                  SPITFIRES XVI                                            ARC
                   B17                                                                   B17 PRESERVATION
                   P47                                                                  THE FIGHTER COLLECTION

2:30        P40F                                                                 THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                  P40B                                                                 THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                  P40N                                                                 SDPA
                  HAWK 75                                                         THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                 JUNKERS JU52                                              LUFTHANSA
                  ME 108                                                             LUFTHANSA
                  JUNGMAN                                                       A. KYNSEY
                  SEA FURY                                                        SPITFIRE WARBIRDS
                  CORSAIR                                                           FLYING BULLS

3:00      YAK 50’S                                                            THE AEROSTARS
                GLADIATOR                                                      THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                GLADIATOR                                                      SHUTTLEWORTH COLLECTION
                MUSTANG TF51                                               THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                 MUSTANG P51D                                             MISTRAL WARBIRDS
                 MUSTANG P51C                                              THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                 MUSTANG P51D                                              SDPA
                 MUSTANG P51D                                              OFMC

3:30       NIMROD                                                             THE FIGHTER COLLECTION
                 NIMROD                                                              HAC
                 DEMON                                                                H. DAVIES
                 HAWKER HIND                                                SHUTTLEWORTH COLLECTION
                 HURRICANE                                                     JAN FRISO ROOZEN
                 SPITFIRE                                                            BBMF
                 HURRICANE                                                      BBMF

4:00      L4 CUB                                                                  FRAZER BLADES                    
                L4 CUB                                                                  ADRIAN ACRES
                L4 CUB                                                                  ROBIN ROBERTS
                YAK 3                                                                    MARK DAVY
                YAK 9                                                                    PAUL BOSCHUNG
                YAK 11                                                                  ROB DAVIES
                WILDCAT                                                             THE FIGHTER COLLECTION                         
                TBM                                                                        CHARLIES HEAVIES
                SEAFURY                                                             RNHF
                SWORDFISH                                                        RNHF

4:30      LYSANDER                                                         SHUTTLEWORTH
                STORCH                                                               PETER HOLLOWAY
                MORANE                                                             DANIEL KOBLET
                DAKOTA                                                              DAKOTA NORWAY

5:00      THE BALBO

Tuesday 9th July Bearcat

admin flying-legends, Grumman Bearcat

So as the air cooled this evening Stephen took the Bearcat up for one of his “special” displays. As usual we all failed to catch the ‘cat in the viewfinder while it was in the air. Imagine instead as you look at the following pictures, imagine the smell of hot oil, the click of contracting metal as the exhaust system cools, the lurch as the impressive Bearcat is put to rest until another day. Sometimes there are parts of Flying legends you can’t experience over the fence….

Tuesday 9th July -updated 18:25

admin flying-legends, Grumman Bearcat, Kittty Hawk P-40F, mustang, Mustang TF-51, P40B, people

Much happening today

[Updated 18:22 The Boss has just landed after a flight in the Bearcat

On the P-51 front Stewart Dawson checked out P-51C Princess Elizabeth and SteveO (see article in imminent Fighter Log) was in TF 51.

P40 F – Steve H had a quick fly around and Dave Southwood strapped the P40-B on for a check flight.

Lots of Spitfires on the ramp and a further update later tonight.

pics here:

Did we say it is quite warm today?

Monday 8 July

admin flying-legends

Today’s update, a number of pilots have made the pilgrimage to Duxford as evidenced by the P40-F taking to the air and a number of engine tests. We can’t guarantee photo’s every day but any critical updates will be posted as soon as they happen. By Wednesday we will be able to post further detail of the FofTFC marquee location and the latest Fighter Log.