The Fighter Collection

Flying Legends – Top Tips

Quick update the hangar is becoming quietly focussed and there is a definite air of purpose – The Nimrod and Wildcat have had engine runs and compass swings and all we need is the pilot and suitable weather at Duxford at the same time!! Work continues on the Spitire Mk VB with the addition of wingtips (again). The Mustang Tf-51 also recieving attention.

Now, however you choose to visit Flying Legends there is always more to do than time allows.

Here are a couple of ideas to save on time and hassle.

First join Friends of TFC online before you visit! This will allow you Free entry to the Flight Line Walk though the priority entrance. Plus you also have the benefit of the Friends of TFC members enclosure during the display. (We will have a special announcement about this area before Flying Legends): Join HERE

If you want to take the hassle out of Food why not pre – order the Keep Calm and Carry On picnic – details here:
Keep Calm and Picnic Advert 2013

The latest Fighter Log is nearly complete – we are just awaiting a few details before it heads off to the printer and is prepared as a download.

More news later this week.